With many isolated areas not expected to benefit from fibre access until 2026 or later, CGI has provided a more immediate solution to meet demand at a lower cost. Norfolk County Council (NCC) and CGI have worked together to speed up the delivery of ultrafast connectivity to rural areas much earlier than otherwise possible. Delivered in collaboration with specialist suppliers Ingen and Onwave, CGI’s innovative hybrid solution provides high reliability, low latency, and secure connectivity across sites in rural regions.
Councillor Jane James, Cabinet Member for Corporate Services & Innovation, Norfolk County Council said, “Digital connectivity is central to the prosperity of Norfolk as we look forward to the future, but also to the quality of life of most of our residents. CGI has partnered with us to develop a well thought out, innovative approach to ensuring improved connectivity across our county, particularly in those communities that have previously proved hard to reach.”
Ian Dunbar, Senior Vice President Consulting Services, Media and Communications at CGI in the UK said,“This project supports NCC’s programme for connecting rural communities, enhancing everyday life through digital connectivity. Having fast, stable, and reliable connectivity is also necessary for NCC to deliver key critical services to rural communities and CGI’s solution also significantly benefits industries located in remote areas, from agriculture and utilities to manufacturing.
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