AGI Cymru Annual Conference – Registration Open

For over 10 years AGI Cymru have held an annual conference focussing on key geographical topics that are important to our members in Wales from tackling environmental issues to discovering how geospatial supports our everyday and working lives. This year our event brings together community speakers and sponsors who will present a range of subjects on the potential of technology in delivering services to support and enhance location-based decision making, looking at innovation with both existing and emerging technology.

The conference will be hosted at Sophia Gardens in Cardiff on Tuesday 15th October from 10am – 5pm with an opportunity to network throughout the day and after the conference an opportunity to join the AGI Cymru team for GeoDrinks.

Register your place

If you would like to present as a community speaker or would like to sponsor the event, please contact AGI Member Support on for more information.

We hope you can join us for GeoCyrmu 2024.