AGI Skills Roundtable

In December 2023 we hosted a roundtable event to convene a wide range of stakeholders from government, industry, academia and professional competency bodies, to discuss the future of skills within the sector.

This meeting, as described by the Chair Dr Vanessa Lawrence, ‘provided an invaluable opportunity to receive feedback from some of the most influential organisations operating within the geospatial sector.’

The AGI Skills Roundtable meeting took place alongside the AGI’s annual GeoCom Conference in London and was attended by representatives from organisations such as the Geospatial Commission, Government Geography Profession, Royal Geographical Society (with Chartered Institute of British Geographers), Chartered Institute of Civil Engineering Surveyors, Royal Institute of Charted Surveyors, University College London, Ordnance Survey, Esri and Leica.

Education and Skills
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